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Celebrating 25 Plus Years of Ceremonies, Services, and Love

Quaich Ceremony

The Quaich Ceremony is a traditional Scottish drinking vessel, and its name derives from Gaelic cuach simply meaning ‘cup’. However, the quaich was not used for just any drink. The quaich was reserved for a good old dram of whisky or brandy!

Hand Fasting Ceremony

The hand fasting ceremony is a Celtic tradition where the couples stand face to face as their hands are tied together by 12 ribbons and 1 cord that each stand for a different part of their marriage to each other. As your hands are bound, you can recite words that express your commitment of eternal love to one another (an additional fee for materials applies).

Same Sex Ceremony

Same-Sex Ceremonies or as we call it “A Wedding” There is no difference. The couple can pick any of the traditional or non-traditional ceremonies.

Unity Candle Ceremony

The use of a Unity Candle is a great way to add to your regular ceremony.

God’s Knot Ceremony

God’s Knot is a great way to add a very special ceremony as part of your perfect wedding service. You can find supplies signs and cords at places on Etsy and other Internet sellers.

Sand Ceremony

A Sand ceremony or even a Hand Fasting ceremony can add a special touch to your wedding service.

Rose Ceremony- Mothers Rose Ceremony- Lei Ceremony

During one of the three ceremonies the couple gives a rose or lei to both parents or the groom gives a rose or lei to his new Mother-in-Law and the Bride gives hers to her new Mother-in-Law. This ceremony is a great way to start the service by involving two people that mean the world to you!

Hand Blessing Ceremony

While the couple are holding hands, I lay my hand over the couples hands, and say a very special blessing over them. The hands and ring fingers hold a lot of significance. The hands in a relationship are used as a comforting touch and also the way two people help each other through out the years and since it is known that the ring fingers have a direct line to the heart.

Vow Renewal

Vow Renewal – no matter if, you are celebrating a mile mark anniversary or just wanting to reconfirm your love for each other vow renewals can always be a great idea. This service can be structured any way you like. I can help you put together a beautiful service that may have some similar parts to your original wedding ceremony or it can be completely new.

Child Dedication Ceremony

Baptisms/Child blessings – These services can be done anytime and anywhere that you like. The best thing would be for you to contact me and we can arrange a place and time to make it a very special time in your life and the child’s life.